Sarah Sherwood is a New Yorker and mother of five, who lives a large, creative, intuitive life, deeply connected to her family and far flung community. A woman of passion, empathy, optimism & energy, Sarah has been coaching all her life. Providing balance and keeping extremely fit have been essential factors in her successful life partnership of 25+ years with her husband, Chris Mulligan, an entrepreneurial investment banker, hands-on father and Ironman triathlete.
Sarah has traded foreign exchange options, was COO of a momentarily spectacular software development company and has been a freelance writer for a variety of high-tech, PR and marketing companies. Before motherhood, Sarah enjoyed driving motorcycles at high speed, jumping from airplanes and scuba diving. A lifelong fitness enthusiast and gym rat, she is now a dedicated devotee of Bikram hot yoga, skurfing and the Yoshida Method!